Here are my answers:(1) to celebrate beautiful girls and women in our lively imperfection, and yes, you are beautiful, even if you don’t believe me. (2) to comfort the hurting gals and love them (you)!
Just living is hard. Add to that being a gal in a western world that praises perfection and flawless beauty, and life can become hopeless.
Enter threeblessedgals, with two adorable girls (at least my eyes think so) and one imperfect mom. This blog was birthed from my life and ongoing struggles and victories. Fun fact: the word “blog” comes from “biography” and “dialogue” truncated and pressed together.
I decided to open my life so others can find the boundless hope and joy I carry in my heart. When we call our quirks, “weaknesses,” perhaps they are not. God’s power can flow through us, because we are much stronger than we realize, and we can minister to others. Too many women do not realize their beauty and value. Worst of all, some of you gals may not feel loved or deserving of love! Oh, no! You deserve love, and if no where else, then please come here and let us love you!
I’ve visited websites of amazing mommy bloggers who are young, beautiful, well organized, with adoring husbands who love to help them. I suspect they have immaculate, uncluttered homes and children who never misbehave. They look so perfect; maybe you cannot relate to them either.
If you asked, “Do you have the right to write a blog?” I could honestly answer, “I don’t have the right if it means I have to be perfect!” I did not want to write a blog at all. I especially did not want to include photos and video. I felt too shy about my life. But over and over I found myself offering comfort to hurting women, and offering them ideas for dealing with their life issues (from practical tips such as menopause, parenting and school, to the intangible, like the fact God truly loves us). These women came back later and said my ideas worked, or that they felt my love and then felt God’s love. So I decided to take the plunge and tell you all about myself and invite you into my imperfect but loving world.
In our home, we have fun. We befriend messes and overcome some of them! Yet we also cry. At least once a week, something hits me hard, and I have to get away to cry and give my pain to the Lord, so He can comfort me. He always does, and then I am ready to find my joy again, so my problems do not own me.
Friends convinced me to write this blog, because I have encouraged them with ideas born after overcoming many failures. For some reason, God did not give me the physical grace of an athlete at ball sports (in school they fought over who HAD to take me on their ball team), but He gave me wisdom and a surprising ability to solve problems! In all my seeming “clumsiness” (remember, what looks like a flaw might be a good quality in disguise), I can say, “I’ve been through that, and here is what worked for me.” Later when a friend gives a smile of relief and tells me I helped her, I feel so thankful!
I am a dreamer, but I have a practical streak too, and this might be why I have found success doing some unconventional things (that actually work!). I have made a list of ideas I want to share, from house hold victories, to health (especially women-issues), to child rearing, and even ideas for making life easier and more convenient, and much more.
I also have a nerdy side, a very strange one. When I was very young, I found and read my mom’s medical journals. I began college as a biology major. I have a passion for the life sciences and understanding the human body. I actually read medical research and if I can try to read any opposing sides (research). But I don’t take what they say at face value. I apply what I read to my own body. and even then I don’t accept “I feel better.” I have blood, urine and stool tests run to make sure a product I am using actually works. This is how I solved several mysteries/problems, and I tell others about products that actually work (for me–I never tell someone to use it herself unless she works with her health care provider, especially a specialist in that field).
If you promise to come back, I won’t complain while you laugh at the silly things I have done (that failed). I can show you what not to do (by the way I was on a show with a similar name, “What Not to Wear,” because my wardrobe choices were some of the things, “not to do,” so I guess I am an expert in some things NOT to do too).
I have an amazing family. Yet battles occur (no desert before meals, don’t neglect that school work, turn off that electronic device, and more). Despite our skirmishes, I have an unexpected and powerful joy that comes from the love of Christ and the ability to rejoice in hardships. James 1:2 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” I struggle to have “pure joy” when I suffer. I have “raw joy,” (joyful in good times), but “pure joy” in trials is hard. So I have been learning to find that “pure joy,” and I hope to teach others how to find theirs, as we learn together.
This blog welcomes non-Christians. I want every woman to find peace and joy in her life. For me, the greatest joy and peace has come from Christ, but I have friends who are not believers in Christ, and they know I love them dearly too. There is no judgment here, just encouragement, and I promise I really do have practical ideas too. This won’t be all fluff and daydreams. I speak from my heart, but I also use my hands (which are calloused), and I will share many ideas (practical and heart matters) that I truly hope will encourage you. I’ll share how I struggle to reach the victories I found and I’ll even share places where I am still struggling, so you know I don’t have all the answers. I value your experiences too. I want to open up a comment page so you can share with the girls and me too.