I learned I can use affiliate links and never stray from my goal as a Christian to bless gals. My first goal is to love and honor God, while loving others (Jesus said these are God’s most important commands). Please let us bless you, even if you never check out any affiliate links I use.
What are affiliate links? If you click on them they link to products from honest companies I really like. If you like the product, you can buy it from that company. I’ve done tons of research to find good products I need at low cost. I was unsure about using these links until I learned that you pay the same price, whether you go to the company using my website’s link, or go there directly. And I really want to emphasize that fact. If you buy anything using my affiliate links you will NOT pay any more money. Second, I will not post any product or company I do not trust. I have had failure with bad products and through mismanaged companies, so I will never steer you to those. I wrote more about my failures and successes with supplements in my post “Why write a blog,” under the heading “intro info,” if you want to read more about how I found out what worked.
So you benefit from my research, and I support my family. I will write many posts that do not have the links, because I love to write to minister to women I confess the affiliate links with products are hard for me, as I am not tech savvy. Yet I know women can benefit from these, so finally I am posting these (May 2022 is the date of our first affiliated linked post). The only posts with these links are ones where I talk about products that have helped my family. I hope these links will bless you the way these products have blessed me. I used to be intimidated by the Proverbs 31 wife/mother, mainly because she made money to support her family while also blessing others. I home school my girls, run our house hold, even encourage people in my small circle, but I have not made much money (a few free lance articles, some online surveys for pay). Now I am excited, because we bless you with stories and even products that we really like. So please visit our website often, even if you never check out the products I use. I know God will supply my needs, so no guilt here!
Finally, I do not post ads on my site. Because I use a free theme from Word Press, they may post ads on my site. I do not have control over those ads, and some day I hope to update to a paid theme, where there will be no ads for products I do not know about on my site.
So please bear with me as I add more posts with great products. The business part of blogging is very hard for me. I prefer looking into my friend’s eyes, listening, talking and giving love. I prefer writing and thinking of my readers and expressing hope to them. But life has its hard sides, and for me the business/finance part is hard, but I am committed to doing this! Thanks for your patience.

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