Before I discuss my work outs, I want to introduce the concept of body types so you can understand innate physiological differences and (Lord willing) toss aside any shame for the body God gave you. You see, I had to adapt my workouts based upon how I’m built. Before I understood my body type (called ectomorph) and discovered that I have a (mild) congenital defect, I suffered injuries. I did not know that many ectomorphs have the same congenital problem. I had to accept my body type and do exercises based upon that body type. But beyond exercise (and safety for all body types when people exercise), I want to look at the beauty in all body types.
God made all of us, and we notice how some people (men and women, but I’ll discuss gals here) are so different. Some people are very powerful, while others never become that strong, even when they lift weights. Some women tend to be long of limb, while others are more in proportion. Some women are naturally curvy, even at their ideal weight.
Exercise physiologists have found three basic body types based upon the strata of the muscles (called fast twitch and slow twitch), size of the bones, and the ratio of these. People tend to fall somewhere in three areas. The ectomorph tends to have a longer neck, overly long arms and legs, a shorter torso, and she will never put on much muscle. Her muscles will be shorter, while her tendons and ligaments will be longer. Because of her muscle strata, she will never be as strong as a mesomorph, no matter how hard she trains. The mesomorph has the strongest body type without trying. She tends to have broader bones (including the shoulders), is less angular (her arms and legs are in proportion to her height), has a normal length neck, longer torso and smaller waist, shorter legs in proportion, and she will be strong, even when she does not work out (but will become much stronger when she does). The endomorph is the soft woman who tends towards curves. Like the ectomorph, she may not have as much strength, at least if she does not work out. But some endomorphs can become very strong when they train. Even when she is thin, the endomorph will have a more curvy body with a higher percent of body fat, and this fat is the healthy kind, often in a woman’s hips for example. There can be short and tall gals in any category. No one perfectly fits one type, but her body composition will tend towards one more than the other two.
I share this information to encourage women to accept who God made them to be and never accept society’s shame. Our society has finally left its adoration of only ectomorphs (often underweight ones) and again appreciates the curves of endomorphs who had the ideal body types in the Medieval and Renaissance Eras. Think of Marilyn Monroe, whom men adored. I still think endomorphs have endless beauty. Endomorphs do have a greater tendency to gain weight, even when they are not stressed. Some exercise trainers say they have observed endomorphs tend to be more laid back and may not prefer aggressive exercise. But endomorphs can become very strong if they train. Endomorphs can come up with their own exercise and eating plans, and if they are at a healthy weight, they should not feel guilty if they are less aggressive about exercise. Doctors say even walking can be a great form of fitness into old age.

Ectomorphs tend to be lanky. I am an ectomorph. Although we tend to be thinner, an ectomorph who is stressed or in trauma can over eat and gain too much weight. I discussed the trauma in my father-daughter relationship in my post “Embracing Grief,” and if you missed it be sure to read it in this website. Due to that stress I weighed 45 pounds more than I do today. Once I received spiritual and emotional healing, my weight returned to normal. In the 1970s society celebrated too thin women (think of the model “Twiggy”) who were also ectomorphs. Even today some models are under weight. While child-ectomorphs may be very skinny, most ectomorph gals fill out a bit once they reach adulthood.
Hypothyroidism and menopause can cause a calm ectomorph to gain weight. I know, because I have both of those issues, and I have to eat less to maintain my weight. As I age my weight increases (without me over eating), but as long as my weight remains in a healthy range, I accept weighing a bit more.
Ectomorphs have some disadvantages. We will never be powerful (able to lift very heavy weights and have intensity with thrust related activities). But I can still lift some weights and do extra repetitions. Furthermore, ectomorphs may be teased for being small breasted (though I think I am average) as my brothers did to me. I used to admire fuller figured women, and I agreed with the criticism of me—thinking these curvier gals were better than me. This is a lie, and over the years I left that silly worry and am just glad I am healthy. Ectomorphs do have good endurance (think of walking, swimming, cycling, etc.)
I am in awe of mesomorphs such as power lifters and gymnasts in the Olympics. My daughter Amy is a mesomorph. She is 5’1” (mesomorphs come in all heights), and at only 12 years of age, she can open jars I cannot. Even while Amy was in the womb, the nurse remarked at Amy’s power. I had non-stress tests (measuring the twins’ heart beat and other bodily functions), and I mentioned how much Lindsey fluttered about in the womb. The nurse said that although Amy did not move as much, when she did, she moved with intensity. Both girls are still like that now. Amy can sit so still, reading a book for an hour while Lindsey (an ectomorph) flitters about the room that whole time. But when Amy decides to do some powerful gymnastics, she can do moves I never did as a child, and Lindsey lacks the power to do too.
Mesomorphs may enjoy rest, but when they choose to move, they have natural power, even those who do not exercise. They have a strong grip. When they do train, they are the most powerful of the three body types.
People of the three body types fill our world in all careers. We need all three types. No one type is better or more beautiful. God made all of us, and he uses all of us in his kingdom. When we accept the body type God gave us and care for it, according to our unique needs, we show God thankful hearts. If you struggle with loving the body type God has given you, please pray for God to guide you. If you need to make changes to be healthier, ask Him to gently lead you. If you are already healthy, ask God to help you accept the shape God gave you. He did this for me, and I have long given up feeling less than my curvier friends, even though I’ve heard so many men say curvier women are better. My value comes from my identity in Christ, and that would not change, even if I ended up shriveled in a coma. God values me for who he’s made me to be. Yes, I use sunscreen, style my hair, and on occasion I wear mascara and jewelry. God does not mind my adorning myself (1 Peter3:3a “Your adornment ought not to be a merely outward thing,…” and Proverbs 31:22b “She is clothed in fine linen and purple.”) I just know that when my hair is rumpled or I’m pale with sickness, God loves me just as much.
If you still struggle with accepting your body type, ask friends to pray for you. An Irish proverb says, “The best mirror is your friend’s eyes.” They can affirm you. Tell me, and I’ll pray for you. If you still need to talk to a counselor, she (or he) can help you work through any issues you may have. That is part of how I found healing from my father-daughter traumas that caused me to binge eat sugar and weigh too much. God has made you wonderful. Psalm 139:13-14 “You formed my inmost being. You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”
Thanks for joining us in this post! In the next post I will teach gals how to identify patterns in injuries. Sometimes these patterns show someone is not clumsy, but may have the same “congenital defect,” I had mentioned at the beginning of this post. I will better explain it in that post, called “Identifying Patterns in Injuries.” Be sure to come back next week.