Lindsey’s List

Lindsey likes to bake. We discovered some baking pans contain lead and other heavy (toxic) metals and PFAS (a synthetic chemical that is linked with hormonal disruption–i.e. it can be toxic).

Stainless steel pans are considered safe (yes, sadly without the nonstick surface with has PFAS).

Here is a link to a Walmart set of the bigger pans (I did a price check of several stores, and this one had the best price):

This is an affiliate link. If you want to try this product and buy it using our link, you will not pay more, but Walmart will give me a small commission (usually about one penny on the dollar). And even if you don’t buy the product, let us know if it worked for you!

Amy’s list will follow later. She had interesting products she likes and wants to share too.