* this post follows one on personality (“No favorite child”) and builds on what I discussed there.
The Greeks believed our bodily fluids influenced our temperaments. While we now know bodily fluids do not influence our temperaments, these four styles are another way for a person to see how she is like others or differs from them.
Some even say this temperament affects how strongly one feels her temper. I have included this, because two people could share the same Myer’s Briggs (MB) personality (have the same four letter combination from MBTI), but seem quite different as was true of my father and me. I did not recognize our shared MB preferences (ENFP), because my dad was a choleric, while I was a sanguine (with a bit of Phlegmatic—a combo), and this meant we differed so much in this aspect of temperament. The four “Greek” styles are called choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic and sanguine.
Look at the four temperaments and see which one best describes you. I included combos where gals have 2 of these and both stand out. In a future post I will include a more in-depth discussion of these 4 temperaments, and a questionnaire in case you are not sure which one best fits you.

The Choleric
The Choleric is a take charge and strong person. Her motto could be, “Let’s do it now!” She needs control and may prefer to do things her way. This is someone who believes she is the boss, and she will let others know her opinion and her wishes. If she disagrees, she is never subtle. Those around her know what she wants, her moods and her desires. She is decisive. She can come across as forceful, and she can hurt the feelings of those around her (although this is not a right but a weakness she needs to overcome). In essence, a choleric cannot “not lead.” Either she is in charge of something, or she will whither. While she can be a team player, she must have strong input and lead in some areas. She is a very productive and effective person by nature. She is continually in motion but with direction and firm purpose. She can be very single minded in her purpose towards completing projects. She needs her achievements appreciated (and can become tense, depressed and even tempted to stray from loved ones if she feels her achievements are perpetually unappreciated). She needs the important people in her life (and especially any assistants) to get their chores and projects done. She can feel great stress if she feels her life is out of control and her achievements are not appreciated. She shows the hard side of love.
The Melancholic
To a lesser degree, the hard side of love is also true of the melancholic. The melancholic is quieter, and often artistic. Her motto could be, “How was it done in the past?” She needs perfection and wants to be sure things are done the right way (whatever she considers this to be). She needs order and sensitivity in her life. This person may feel sorrow or even depression the most strongly (and again, as she matures, she will learn to temper this). The melancholic can be an idealist, but she is more quiet about her passions. She is a loyal friend and self-sacrificing. She may work hard and not be noticed.
She is conscientious, and at times a loner, because she is very slow to make friends. She does not push herself to meet people but allows them to come to her. She is analytical and a perfectionist, but she can tend towards pessimism. Some may see her as irritable, but under that, she is sensitive. And while some may consider her phobic, truly she is cautious. This is because she loves so deeply but has been hurt in the past by those who have let her down. So she allows others to approach her first.
The Phlegmatic
The phlegmatic person is sometimes quiet, but she is also so easy going. She is good under pressure. She can talk, but she can also hold back to allow others to talk. She seldom falls into loud anger or loud laughter, because she is so self controlled. Her motto may be, “Let’s keep things the way they are.” She needs peace. She accommodates others and makes those around her feel comfortable. She has a witty sense of humor and enjoys the humor of others. But she can be stubborn if someone pushes her against one of her true values. Otherwise this is an easygoing person who is rarely ruffled. Her worse problem is procrastination, and as she matures, she can learn to overcome this. Some may see her as plodding, but truly she can be thorough. And while some may call her lazy, she is truly relaxed. She is peaceful and can calm others.
She always seems calm and unruffled, but she may be feeling other emotions that she does not show to the outside world. Fear is often a stronger weakness in the phlegmatic (and melancholic) than anger. She needs respect and to both feel her own self-worth, and to know others are respecting her and not taking her for granted. She may feel lifeless or even depressed if life becomes too full of problems with no peace, or if she feels worthless or feels others consider her this way. She may begin to suffer apathy.
The Sanguine
Both the phlegmatic and the sanguine are known for having the soft side of love. They can be very loving, but sometimes they may have trouble telling the hard sides of truth, and they too, can mature and learn to strengthen themselves in this area.
The sanguine is talkative, a people person who is friendly, and at times bubbly. Like the choleric, she is an optimist. Her motto could be, “Trust me; it’ll work out.” Like the choleric, she can take charge, but only for having fun and gathering people around. She does not like to hurt anyone’s feelings (although she may, in her rush to have fun), and she will easily apologize. She may speak before thinking, and she is very free with her words. She has strong feelings of joy, and some may mistake her friendliness for being air headed or shallow. Unfortunately she may forget obligations, because she is having such a nice time with the people she is currently visiting. As she matures she can work on depth of character.

Temperament blends
People can be a blend of two temperaments, with one dominating, but the other following very closely. Here are some examples.
Sanguine/Choleric Mix
The strongly Sanguine gal, with supporting choleric tendencies, is the most extroverted of the four individual types. This can be a strong combination, since the sanguine side loves people, and the choleric side likes to get things done, so this is likely a popular leader who has overcome some of the directionless weaknesses of the sanguine. This type needs variety, activity and excitement on the job. And the choleric pride can rise up in this type (a potential weakness), so this type can come across as too forceful.
Sanguine/Melancholic Mix
Some disagree with the idea of a sanguine (so extroverted) also having a large dose of the melancholic too. This combination would allow a sanguine to have some perfectionism and greater compassion (melancholic traits), yet still be an extrovert who was outwardly loving towards others. This type would be a dreamer, and this could increase the tendency towards depression.
Sanguine/Phlegmatic Mix
The sanguine gal, with phlegmatic tendencies, is considered the second easiest person to be around. This can seem to be a strength, but again, the easy going tendency, along with the fun loving side can cause this type to be prone to laziness, or at the least to be accused of that by others. This lady is the least extroverted of the extroverts. She is gentle too, but she can be taken advantage of, since she loves others but is not aggressive. I am mostly a sanguine, but I do carry a mix of the phlegmatic as my second strongest characteristic, so I have had to learn to overcome the weaknesses of this mix!
Choleric/Sanguine Mix
The choleric gal, with sanguine tendencies, is the second most extroverted of the extroverts. This lady would be prone to the most activity. She is more charming than a pure choleric, since she has sanguine tendencies, but she can still have a fierce temper if someone crosses her, since she still has the choleric tendency first. My Dad had this combo.
Choleric/Melancholic Mix
Having the choleric tendency mixed with the melancholic means a woman is very hard working, yet also very capable of handling the details. She would excel both in school and in her career. Because she has mastered the extroversion, and details, she rarely loses in a debate. But she can be prone to being a dictator too, and she has a strong temper.
Choleric/Phlegmatic Mix
It would be very rare to have the choleric and phlegmatic temperaments combined. This uncommon person would seem to have mastered the best of two worlds, being an active and goal-driven leader, yet also being careful with details and calm in person. The choleric side sees what needs to be done, but the phlegmatic side does not want to do it all, so that is why this person is good at delegating work, and this does allow others to shine and participate. But being choleric, she still can have a temper.
Melancholic/Sanguine Mix
Another ultra rare combination is the melancholic with the sanguine. She would be a good student and teacher. This lady would be good with facts, but have enough love for others that she would teach the information to others. But with any work, she must not have high pressure. She does better with details and some people contact. This type can be moody. She may be indecisive, because she wants to make the best choice, which she will eventually do, but in her own time.
Melancholic/Choleric Mix
A lady with the melancholic strengths, with some of the choleric will be a perfectionist, but also a driven person. She would work hard, and have leadership qualities. She could also start her own business and run it efficiently. But she could also be a big perfectionist and drive her workers crazy with her negativity.
Melancholic/Phlegmatic Mix
If a melancholic has the phlegmatic tendencies, she would get along well with others. She would be strongly introverted. She would be analytical, and a perfectionist. She would be good in spelling and math. She could become negative and would be vulnerable to fear and anxiety.
Phlegmatic/Sanguine Mix
The phlegmatic with sanguine tendencies is the most easy to get along with. She is very happy, cooperative, and people-oriented. She could not feel comfortable with a high pressured job. She would do well with behind the scenes jobs, or ones that allow her to work at her own pace, slowly. She tends to be a quiet and friendly family member. But she can also be undisciplined, and lack motivation and fall into a rut and pass up opportunities and avoid work and end up under achieving.
Phlegmatic/Choleric Mix
A phlegmatic with choleric tendencies (likely the most rare) would be calm, but have good leadership qualities, if properly trained. On her own she is well organized. Her advice would be accurate and practical. She can be very stubborn.
Phlegmatic/Melancholic Mix
When a phlegmatic has melancholic tendencies, she can be gracious and gentle, rarely getting angry, although also rarely saying much. She is unlikely to ever embarrass herself, and she usually dresses properly and behaves properly everywhere she goes. She is neat and organized and offers help and mercy to others. Her weaknesses includes not disciplining the children or those working under her. She can be a bit passive at times too, due to the fear of taking risks.