When you think of your greatest weakness, could this actually be the shadow side of the moon? The moon can reflect light from one side, while shadows enshroud the other side. In our lives, we willingly show others our strengths, but we dread having our weakest sides show. Yet our weaknesses are often the opposite side of the strengths we do want others to see.
** a quick note: by weakness here, I do not mean sins where a person might say, “I have a weakness for hating people…or… yelling at the downtrodden…or …stealing,” or other things we know in our hearts are immoral. The weaknesses I refer to are character traits either we or our society do not celebrate.

For example, I had some students who struggled with what felt like the confines of math and its precision. Yet these same students thrived in handling chaos and uncertainty in their families. They had calm grace facing the death of a family member, or other losses in their home life. They were flexible, nontraditional, and while they struggled with the precision of math, they could readily handle the imprecision of a chaotic family life.
Furthermore, I have met ladies who berated themselves for being introverts and not popular. Yet these same women have been a calming force in their home and stable confidants to their friends. As introverts, these women have a depth of character many extroverts admire.
Sometimes we may only see what we perceive as our weakness, but it may be the “less popular” or shad0ow side of one of our strengths. Here is another example. Someone who is frustrated with herself for easily crying may be the same gal who prays earnestly for others. Again, the woman we feel frustrated with, because she seems too cool headed and overly objective may have great advice for us when we cannot step away from our frustrations.
The next time you feel frustrated with yourself for your weakness, consider the opposite side of that “weakness.” Naturally you can ask God to strengthen you in that area. But also consider the opposite side of that weakness. You might not be appreciating a strength God gave you; perhaps you are under valuing yourself. I don’t “just think” you have strengths you may not have considered. I KNOW this wonderful truth about you. God gave you some talents and strengths and the devil lies to you and wants you to forget those strengths. Check out the story of the talents in Matthew 25: 14-30. You can see how these folks were given talents, but one of them doubted himself and never learned his talent.

Even the most famous artists and athletes are lacking in some other area. While we gals tend to see our worst weakness (or weaknesses in plural), God wants us to honor that weaker side, and believe in the good side. If you know your strengths, rejoice. Never be afraid to use them, because God loved you so much he gave them to you. And if you aren’t sure of your strengths, begin by asking God and safe friends what they see in you. The strengths are there. As for your weaknesses, I can speak to you on God’s behalf that he knows how he made you. He still delights in you. You can be gentle with yourself, and if you can grow, certainly do grow in weaker areas. But give yourself grace, because we gals, just like the moon, cannot reflect light from all sides. We have our shadow sides, as do all humans. We can accept ourselves with the shadow sides and celebrate the sunny side of our strengths.
May the lord keep blessing you, as he shows his love to you and reveals your strengths.