Fed on God’s Word, not a Check list

I wanted to expand on last week’s post “Jesus Deserves the Best, but Passivity Blinds Us” about Jesus’ deserving the best and our need to actively pursue him.  I realized other people also sometimes slip into mindlessly reading their Bible and saying prayers by rote without engaging their hearts and minds.  As a result, I … Read more Fed on God’s Word, not a Check list

Jesus Deserves the Best, but Passivity Blinds Us

Do we passively reject God’s good plans for us by forgetting his Word?  Do we harshly criticize ourselves or others or under-value them or ourselves?  Do we under-believe what God can do in us and in others?  I have fallen for all of those sins.  I have to actively accept the dignity God offers me.  … Read more Jesus Deserves the Best, but Passivity Blinds Us

Misplacing Our Identity in Christ

Our identity in Christ includes many aspects of our life, including our role as women warriors in spiritual warfare.  Be sure to check out last week’s post, “Warriors in Genesis’ Eden,” because I discussed our identity as spiritual warriors in that post.  But I want to discuss several other aspects of our identity in Christ … Read more Misplacing Our Identity in Christ

Forgive and Let God Punish Them

(when they won’t repent) I was dismayed when a radio pastor said that although our world wants to shield the victims, they still have an obligation to forgive their attacker (abuser, oppressor, etc.)  The pastor referred to unrepentant attackers.  I was concerned about the pastor’s tone of voice and the use of the word “obligation,” … Read more Forgive and Let God Punish Them

Take Every thought Captive:

Insidious deceptions of Satan When we read “We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ,” (2Cor.2:5), we assume we will recognize Satan’s blatant contradictions of Scripture. I wrote about this in my posts “So Many Negative Thoughts Planted by Satan” as well as “Yes, You Can Win the Spiritual Battle if You … Read more Take Every thought Captive: