My Weight Loss, or Are You a Monster?

I am dismayed by people who shame gals for carrying extra weight.   OK, those folks are not really monsters, but sometimes they sound like monsters when they shame gals! Someone has to stick up for these gals, and today, that is going to be me!  I want to defend you gals, because shame has no … Read more                   My Weight Loss, or Are You a Monster?

Your Greatest Weakness, or the Shadow Side of the Moon?

When you think of your greatest weakness, could this actually be the shadow side of the moon?  The moon can reflect light from one side, while shadows enshroud the other side. In our lives, we willingly show others our strengths, but we dread having our weakest sides show.  Yet our weaknesses are often the opposite … Read more Your Greatest Weakness, or the Shadow Side of the Moon?

More Reflections on Overcoming Silencing of Gals

We gals judge ourselves too harshly.  But we may not have started out that way.  I shared about how researchers asked kindergartners if they could dance, sing and draw, and these children said, “Yes!”  Yet as girls aged, their answers changed to say, “I cannot”   I want to address another way this happens.   The researchers … Read more More Reflections on Overcoming Silencing of Gals