When Satan tries to separate children from Parents

I’m beginning this post addressing you wonderful young gals, but moms and all you friends of the younger gals (sisters, aunts, grandmas and friends), please read this too, and I will also address you near the end of this post.  Satan has used an ancient method of separating parents from children (even adult children), and … Read more When Satan tries to separate children from Parents

Deny yourself or forgive yourself?

As I read a verse from the amplified Bible, without my reading glasses, I mistook “forget” for “forgive,” but my mistake reminded me of a truth about bringing our pain to God.  How can we heal and forgive ourselves of what we forget or deny we suffered? Here is the amplified verse: “Jesus…said to them, … Read more Deny yourself or forgive yourself?

More Reflections on Overcoming Silencing of Gals

We gals judge ourselves too harshly.  But we may not have started out that way.  I shared about how researchers asked kindergartners if they could dance, sing and draw, and these children said, “Yes!”  Yet as girls aged, their answers changed to say, “I cannot”   I want to address another way this happens.   The researchers … Read more More Reflections on Overcoming Silencing of Gals