Handling Jealousy, Ours and Other’s

Jealousy, our own and other people’s, can either protect a relationship (“healthy jealousy”), or it can damage relationships and hearts.  In last week’s post, “True Guilt and False Shame,” I briefly mentioned jealousy, and I’d like to further address that quality.  Jealousy can become a tool of Satan unless we recognize it and control it. … Read more Handling Jealousy, Ours and Other’s

True Guilt and False Shame: Spiritual Warfare

God can help us sort out our true guilt when we actually sin and help us rebuff the false shame people or culture try to place upon us.  Satan is behind these attacks, and we need to use spiritual warfare to fight back.  But first we have to be aware of the attacks, before we … Read more True Guilt and False Shame: Spiritual Warfare

What are You Feeling?

On a radio broadcast, a young woman said she used to have no idea what she was feeling.   She said many Millennials and other young people have lost touch with their feelings.  One day when this woman’s husband asked her about her best and worst feeling moment of her day, the wife couldn’t answer.  This … Read more What are You Feeling?

Breast Health for Younger and Mature Gals

October is “Breast Health Month,” so I’m posting this on the last day of October 2022.  I will not give medical advice but will share what works for me and share some other gals’ stories too. Our breasts have two different vascular systems: blood vessels (including capillaries), and the lymphatic system (with lymphatic vessels).  Our … Read more Breast Health for Younger and Mature Gals

When Bad Life Patterns Repeat

When we don’t understand or work through old problems, we repeat them, and these problems become “bad life patterns.”  We hear of daughters of alcoholic fathers (or those with other addictions) who marry alcoholics, to the daughter’s regret.  Women who have suffered other pain too can end up repeating mistakes over and over. Why would … Read more When Bad Life Patterns Repeat

Boldly Praying or Presuming upon God?

When we boldly pray (obeying Scripture to “Come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need,” Heb. 4:16), could our prayers turn into wrongful presumption upon God?  Scripture warns this could happen. In James 4:3 we read, “You ask and do not receive, … Read more Boldly Praying or Presuming upon God?

Don’t Go it Alone: Tell Someone When You are Hurting

Researchers don’t surprise us when they say social media, and Covid only made people feel more isolated, sad and anxious.  We sense this in our hearts.  But even Christians might think we are alone (strange, weird, carrying problems no one else carries), when we are not, or at least we shouldn’t stay alone. Although this … Read more Don’t Go it Alone: Tell Someone When You are Hurting

Comparing Ourselves to Others: Who does God say You are?

Showing off in the news and in social media, actors, musicians, artists and influencers imply they are better than us, so we must copy them.  In essence, they want us to compare ourselves to them and feel shame when we differ from them. Even in church, we may believe Bible heroes or even other church … Read more Comparing Ourselves to Others: Who does God say You are?