Take Every thought Captive:

Insidious deceptions of Satan When we read “We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ,” (2Cor.2:5), we assume we will recognize Satan’s blatant contradictions of Scripture. I wrote about this in my posts “So Many Negative Thoughts Planted by Satan” as well as “Yes, You Can Win the Spiritual Battle if You … Read more Take Every thought Captive:

God confronts Codependence (Sin) in the Bible!

As I studied Leviticus, I discovered God directly confronts the sin of codependence (though the Bible does not give it that name.)  This sin causes well-meaning people to do things for others they should have done for themselves.  This sin causes people to dwell in fear (extreme worry) about loved ones and even try to … Read more God confronts Codependence (Sin) in the Bible!

When God does not Forgive Sins

Some people doubt the Bible and claim “God is love only,” and insist he forgives everyone’s sins even those people don’t repent of.  These doubters deny verses about God’s wrath and pick only the Bible verses they want.  Yet God, himself, says he fights against unrepentant sinners, even the Israelites when they refuse to repent … Read more When God does not Forgive Sins

Israel’s Legitimate Claim to the Promised Land

(Refuting Atheists who claim Israel was violent and had no claim on that land) Atheists, liberal theologian and Christians struggling with doubt say Israel had no right to fight and push out the Canaanites who lived in what God called “The Promised Land.”  These Bible challengers question the Israelite’s right to displace those 7 nations … Read more Israel’s Legitimate Claim to the Promised Land

So Many Negative Thoughts Planted by Satan

Often Satan sneaks in negative thoughts and we don’t realize he is the source.  As a result, I felt alert and challenged when I heard a woman on the radio say Satan caused most of the judgment she felt others must be placing upon her.  She wrongly assumed others judged her for her unwanted divorce, … Read more So Many Negative Thoughts Planted by Satan

Evil People can have “Good” Sides

How can an evil person have good sides?  Last week I talked about Luke Chapter 16, where the evil rich man had one good side.  This rich man knew the beggar, Lazarus, was sick and starving to death, yet the rich man feasted luxuriously and watched this poor beggar die.  Surprisingly, this evil man had … Read more Evil People can have “Good” Sides

Atheists deny Hell or say God was unjust to “The Rich Man”

While some atheists and liberal theologians deny Hell exists, others say God was unfair to “The Rich Man,” in Luke chapter 16. Jesus spoke of this man along with the beggar Lazarus.  Luke 16:22-23 says, “The Rich man also died and was buried and he went to the place of the dead. There in torment, … Read more Atheists deny Hell or say God was unjust to “The Rich Man”

When you Didn’t have a Loving Earthly Father

(or your friend lacked one) God designed humans to have a safe, loving relationship with an earthly father (and mother, but today’s post is about dads.)  What if you lacked this loving relationship in your childhood? While God has promised to be a father to the fatherless (Psalm68:5,) how can a gal (or guy) appropriate … Read more When you Didn’t have a Loving Earthly Father

Dealing with Needy Children, Friends and our Needy Selves

Unhealthy neediness is ungodly and causes people to do foolish things, cling to people, make unfair demands and operate out of fear. In contrast, people can have healthy needs, such as babies, frail elderly people, and very close friends and spouses who let themselves express vulnerable needs to enable the relationship to grow.  Neediness becomes … Read more Dealing with Needy Children, Friends and our Needy Selves

Atheists say God was too Hard on OT King Saul

Atheists say God wrongly turned a deaf ear to Old Testament King Saul, because he repented and asked for help.  They also say God did not answer their prayers, and they were needy too, so they stopped believing in God.  But does God not hear or answer needy prayers?  I believe he listens to and … Read more Atheists say God was too Hard on OT King Saul