Why We Praise God: Answers to Atheists Who say God is arrogant

Why do we praise God?  The Bible tells us to praise Him, but what is God’s reason and desire?  Some atheists say God is arrogant and demands praise like a megalomaniac or narcissist.   How do we respond to this criticism? I had heard that criticism when I was younger, and I did not have a … Read more Why We Praise God: Answers to Atheists Who say God is arrogant

Why Memorize Scripture: The No Guilt Approach

I want to share my story about memorizing Scripture.  I invite you to laugh with me and find the surprising encouragement and joy (guilt-free) I found in what I used to think was a boring and difficult spiritual discipline. This year I was reading a book about a parent’s spiritual warfare for her children.  The … Read more Why Memorize Scripture: The No Guilt Approach

Finding Yourself… in the Lord

A conflict exists with some pastors saying, “Don’t try to ‘find yourself,’ because you already have your identity in Christ.”  Yet some people (even Christians) say they need to ‘find themselves,’ because they are still confused about who and what they are. Perhaps these two groups believe they disagree, but instead their definition of “finding … Read more Finding Yourself… in the Lord

How to Find Peace and Joy during Trials: Savoring the Psalms

When I read my Bible cover to cover (Genesis to Revelation), I tended to rush and not really savor these wonderful words.  When I was over half way through Psalms, I felt sad I had so little left to read from this comforting book. This year I decided I would savor the book of Psalms, … Read more How to Find Peace and Joy during Trials: Savoring the Psalms

When Satan tries to separate children from Parents

I’m beginning this post addressing you wonderful young gals, but moms and all you friends of the younger gals (sisters, aunts, grandmas and friends), please read this too, and I will also address you near the end of this post.  Satan has used an ancient method of separating parents from children (even adult children), and … Read more When Satan tries to separate children from Parents