Encouraging Hurt  Believers through God’s Praise

In my much-earlier post I talked about “Why We Praise God” (that is the name of the post).  If you missed it, please check it out.  That post was addressed to atheists (and any unbeliever) who wondered if praising God was foolish.  The post also addressed believers who wondered the same thing. In this post … Read more Encouraging Hurt  Believers through God’s Praise

Handling Jealousy, Ours and Other’s

Jealousy, our own and other people’s, can either protect a relationship (“healthy jealousy”), or it can damage relationships and hearts.  In last week’s post, “True Guilt and False Shame,” I briefly mentioned jealousy, and I’d like to further address that quality.  Jealousy can become a tool of Satan unless we recognize it and control it. … Read more Handling Jealousy, Ours and Other’s

True Guilt and False Shame: Spiritual Warfare

God can help us sort out our true guilt when we actually sin and help us rebuff the false shame people or culture try to place upon us.  Satan is behind these attacks, and we need to use spiritual warfare to fight back.  But first we have to be aware of the attacks, before we … Read more True Guilt and False Shame: Spiritual Warfare

When Angry People’s Words Strike Our Hearts

Angry people’s words and lies can strike our souls and harm us if we begin to believe these lies.  Even when we tell our logical side the words come from a liar or emotionally unstable person, we might not notice the bad impact those words have on our subjective heart.  When an angry person blames … Read more When Angry People’s Words Strike Our Hearts

Miraculous Healing Today

Some people deny God’s miraculous healing in the modern era.  They claim this healing ended at the close of the New Testament Church.  Yet I know miraculous healing still happens, because God healed me miraculously twice in less than two years. Some pastors say the healings ended, because they were only needed to confirm the … Read more Miraculous Healing Today

Compulsions and Addictions: Where do They Come From?

In my last post I talked about struggles gals have when they bury their emotions and no longer know what they are truly feeling.   I introduced the idea of compulsions (some people call these addictions) that we use to block our emotions. Where do these compulsions (bad habits we are addicted to) come from?  I … Read more Compulsions and Addictions: Where do They Come From?

What are You Feeling?

On a radio broadcast, a young woman said she used to have no idea what she was feeling.   She said many Millennials and other young people have lost touch with their feelings.  One day when this woman’s husband asked her about her best and worst feeling moment of her day, the wife couldn’t answer.  This … Read more What are You Feeling?

Disappointed in Earthly Father: Disappointed in God

Many people mistrust God, not realizing it is because they had a bad experience with their earthly dad first.  When earthly fathers disappoint their children, these dads often set their children up to think of God in similar, disappointing ways. We know God in three persons, as the Heavenly Father, and the Son (Jesus), and … Read more Disappointed in Earthly Father: Disappointed in God

Bad Guys Pursue Everyone: It’s not Your Fault

In an earlier post, “When Bad Life Patterns Repeat,” I said abusers are attracted to people who believe the bad lies (lies that say the person is not worthy of anything good).  I want to clarify that abusers initially pursue all women, not just those who believe lies of low self esteem.  This does not … Read more Bad Guys Pursue Everyone: It’s not Your Fault