Don’t Go it Alone: Tell Someone When You are Hurting

Researchers don’t surprise us when they say social media, and Covid only made people feel more isolated, sad and anxious.  We sense this in our hearts.  But even Christians might think we are alone (strange, weird, carrying problems no one else carries), when we are not, or at least we shouldn’t stay alone. Although this … Read more Don’t Go it Alone: Tell Someone When You are Hurting

Are God’s Blessings Conditional? Yes, though He still Cares for Us

We rejoice in God’s unconditional love. Romans 5:8 says, “God proved his love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” God loved us even when we hated him. When we sin, God loves us just as much.  There is nothing we can do to make God love us more … Read more Are God’s Blessings Conditional? Yes, though He still Cares for Us

Comparing Ourselves to Others: Who does God say You are?

Showing off in the news and in social media, actors, musicians, artists and influencers imply they are better than us, so we must copy them.  In essence, they want us to compare ourselves to them and feel shame when we differ from them. Even in church, we may believe Bible heroes or even other church … Read more Comparing Ourselves to Others: Who does God say You are?

Why Does God Allow Good People to Suffer?

People ask the ancient question, “Why does God allow good people to suffer?”  Atheists blame God for the suffering of the “innocent” and “good” people.  Job’s “friends” blamed innocent Job for his suffering, saying he was a bad man who was justly punished.  Theologians say, “No one is good, so we brought on our own … Read more Why Does God Allow Good People to Suffer?

Identifying Patterns in Injuries: Clumsy or Congenital Defect?

Has anyone said you or your loved one is clumsy?  Do you tend to sprain or injure joints more often than others?  You or your loved one may have the congenital defect (“Joint Hyper Mobility Syndrome”) I mentioned in last week’s post, “Loving All Body Types,” so be sure to read it.  I’ll show you … Read more Identifying Patterns in Injuries: Clumsy or Congenital Defect?

Challenging a Critical Spirit

I want to avoid criticizing others, but my sinful nature fights back.  I love people and the Lord, and I hurt both when I think unfairly critically about people or my life.  Impatience, self importance, wrong assumptions, so many errors prompt my sin nature to harshly criticize.  For example, I might think, “What’s wrong with … Read more Challenging a Critical Spirit

 Inviting Surrogate Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Whether through abuse, lustful desires or seduction, some gals (and guys, but I will write this geared for gals), may fall into ungodly relationships and form ungodly soul ties. This term, “soul ties,” means an ungodly bond we have formed, which does not honor God, and which pulls on our soul, harming us. This is … Read more  Inviting Surrogate Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties

Why We Praise God: Answers to Atheists Who say God is arrogant

Why do we praise God?  The Bible tells us to praise Him, but what is God’s reason and desire?  Some atheists say God is arrogant and demands praise like a megalomaniac or narcissist.   How do we respond to this criticism? I had heard that criticism when I was younger, and I did not have a … Read more Why We Praise God: Answers to Atheists Who say God is arrogant