Disappointed in Earthly Father: Disappointed in God

Many people mistrust God, not realizing it is because they had a bad experience with their earthly dad first.  When earthly fathers disappoint their children, these dads often set their children up to think of God in similar, disappointing ways. We know God in three persons, as the Heavenly Father, and the Son (Jesus), and … Read more Disappointed in Earthly Father: Disappointed in God

Breast Health for Younger and Mature Gals

October is “Breast Health Month,” so I’m posting this on the last day of October 2022.  I will not give medical advice but will share what works for me and share some other gals’ stories too. Our breasts have two different vascular systems: blood vessels (including capillaries), and the lymphatic system (with lymphatic vessels).  Our … Read more Breast Health for Younger and Mature Gals

Bad Guys Pursue Everyone: It’s not Your Fault

In an earlier post, “When Bad Life Patterns Repeat,” I said abusers are attracted to people who believe the bad lies (lies that say the person is not worthy of anything good).  I want to clarify that abusers initially pursue all women, not just those who believe lies of low self esteem.  This does not … Read more Bad Guys Pursue Everyone: It’s not Your Fault

Pumpkin Patches, Farmers and Ranchers

*there are ZERO affiliate links here—we want to promote some great, smaller businesses, with no reward but our joy in sharing something fun. In this fun post, we’ll introduce our two new pets (rabbits) and some of the hard working people who own small farms/ranches and also run Pumpkin Patches (where we got our new … Read more Pumpkin Patches, Farmers and Ranchers

When Bad Life Patterns Repeat

When we don’t understand or work through old problems, we repeat them, and these problems become “bad life patterns.”  We hear of daughters of alcoholic fathers (or those with other addictions) who marry alcoholics, to the daughter’s regret.  Women who have suffered other pain too can end up repeating mistakes over and over. Why would … Read more When Bad Life Patterns Repeat

Since God “Sends” No one to Hell, why Does Anyone Go to Hell?

People ask, “Why does God send people to Hell?”  Some people also say God is cruel for creating Hell for people.  Yet neither of these complaints are true.  Technically, God does not need to send people to Hell (they are already doomed, which I’ll explain), and He did not create Hell for people.  God did … Read more Since God “Sends” No one to Hell, why Does Anyone Go to Hell?

Boldly Praying or Presuming upon God?

When we boldly pray (obeying Scripture to “Come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need,” Heb. 4:16), could our prayers turn into wrongful presumption upon God?  Scripture warns this could happen. In James 4:3 we read, “You ask and do not receive, … Read more Boldly Praying or Presuming upon God?