Yes, You Can Win the Spiritual Battle if You Admit it is Real!

People may complain life seems like an endless battle, yet this is not a complaint but the truth.  Naïve people may also believe they don’t need to fight in this life.  They will suffer for this false belief.  We have a real enemy, the devil who hates us.  If we pretend the battle does not … Read more Yes, You Can Win the Spiritual Battle if You Admit it is Real!

The Sneaky Pride of Flesh

While there are good forms of pride, our sneaky flesh resists humbling itself before God and others. Our flesh is infested with self pride (“Look at wonderful me, not you,”) and zero God-pride (“Look at our wonderful God; let me love and serve you.”)  We need to resist our pride yet not condemn ourselves, because … Read more The Sneaky Pride of Flesh

Not Finding Peace or Relentless Demonic Attacks?

At times we might question our faith, because we seem to “lose” our peace often.  In fact, we could be exactly where God wants us, but Satan (via his demons) is attacking us so often, we mistake our temporary distress for a lack of spiritual faith.  You might even be doing many great things for … Read more Not Finding Peace or Relentless Demonic Attacks?

I Don’t Feel Close to God: Veteran Christians not feeling that passion

A friend of mine asked me to pray for her to re-discover her passion for God. She felt dry in her Christian walk, despite being a Christian for decades.  Another friend, also a super strong Christian, told me this would be a great prayer for her.  Both of these women attend church faithfully, read their … Read more I Don’t Feel Close to God: Veteran Christians not feeling that passion

Patience: Waiting on God is Hard

Why does God make us wait so long, often with no specific idea about what God is planning or the exact process we should follow.  We call this “blind faith,” meaning we trust God, but we are blind about exactly how things will turn out.  For example, God rarely (if ever) says, “Wait for this … Read more Patience: Waiting on God is Hard

You Matter: God says so, and so do your loved ones!

I don’t know any other way to begin this post than to reaffirm this title, “You Matter!”  Every woman and younger gal out there matters.  But what happens when a gal is working so hard, she is taking care of everyone but herself?  What if she has a family member (son or daughter, sibling, husband … Read more You Matter: God says so, and so do your loved ones!

Shortest workout, Targets Abdomen, Arms and Legs at the Same Time

A year ago I promised to share my no-gym work-outs, and I’ve gotten too busy—so today I’ll share part of one of my work outs.  This work-out targets my abdomen, arms and thighs all at the same time.  I’m sharing this one, because in a few minutes you can tone those parts quickly and save … Read more Shortest workout, Targets Abdomen, Arms and Legs at the Same Time

Why Should Christians fast?

“Does anyone need to fast?” some Christians wonder.  They know some people should not do a completely food-free fast, such as young children, pregnant and lactating women.  Some people have either hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or diabetes (high blood sugar), and they need to be careful and work with a doctor before fasting from all … Read more Why Should Christians fast?