I experienced problems with all three blood properties: sugar, pressure and clotting. By God’s grace, I found non-surgical, non-prescription solutions, using supplements, food and meditation on God’s word. I cannot tell you what supplements to take, nor can I give you medical advice. You need to listen to your body and also work with your health care provider. I did find two of the solutions on my own, and for the third, my specialist (Cynthia) found a solution for that problem. I will discuss my journey and also the solutions I found.
This is my second post containing affiliate links, but please check with your specialist before you try any of these supplements and foods. If you missed my article about these links, I will explain. I found reliable companies selling great products I use on myself. I joined their affiliate program, so if you click on the link in my blog, it takes you to their site. If you buy the product this way you pay the same price you would pay if you went to their site without my blog. If you like anything I recommend I will get a penny for every dollar, and sometimes more than 1%. That helps me pay for my site, but please never feel obligated to buy anything. Please come and be blessed.
Cynthia (my specialist) prefers natural solutions (changes in diet, addition or subtraction of supplements) when possible, but she also prescribes pharmaceutical medicine, when it is needed, such as my thyroid meds. Although I use products that support my thyroid and eat a diet that is supposed to help, I was never able to find food and supplements to fix my low thyroid function, and I take prescription medicine for my hypothyroidism.
My fasting blood glucose (sugar) level was normal when I first met with Cynthia in 2014. But by 2020, the level rose a total of 23 points and was no longer healthy. This was VERY scary, because I had eliminated all refined sugar by the fall of 2011. I had also eliminated white starches, and gradually over those years had dropped my fruit consumption to only one serving of low glycemic fruit (for variety I have two half-servings, so I can eat two different half servings of fruit). I made the fruit and starch limitations when Cynthia saw my fructosamine rising. I even eliminated skim milk (due to its lactose). I also limited my consumption of full fiber, whole grain starches, due to their higher glycemic impact. There was not much more I could change in my diet to lower my blood sugar. I am at a decent weight, and I exercise faithfully. I get good quality sleep and do my best to manage stress. I did not want to take a pharmaceutical medicine if I could avoid it (Since I am already on two meds for my thyroid).
I tried adding apple cider vinegar (with water) before meals. I tried using 1 teaspoon of cinnamon (mixed with hot water to dissolve it) daily too. I tried berberine twice per day. I tried aloe vera juice. None of these methods lowered my fasting blood glucose (sugar) levels.
Then I read a story about a patient his doctor called “portly.” The doctor wanted his patient on insulin, but the patient went to an Asian market, and they recommended a certain tea. The man drank it before breakfast and after dinner. The man only took his dog for a walk two or three times each week. Yet, without changing his diet, the man brought his blood sugar back to normal with the tea. The tea sounded horrible tasting, so I looked for the product in capsule form. I found it. Best of all, I began to take it before breakfast and after dinner. In six months, I retested, and my blood sugar had dropped by 20 points, and it was in the normal range again! The product? It is called bitter melon, and you can buy it at Herbspro here:
Bitter Melon 100 Caps by Natures Life
I also checked the safety ratings on bitter melon, and I found no adverse effects with consumption, and no danger in any of the trials used to test it. I do have my liver and kidney functions checked, and they have remained normal. Ask your specialist if you can use this.
* update 7/1/22: I just read some discoveries medical researchers published about blood sugar and potassium. People with depleted potassium levels have an increased risk of developing diabetes. This is exciting for me, and you will see why when you read about something I now take for my blood pressure (see the next section).
*update 1/21/23: I learned that our estrogen levels can impact our blood sugar. So please also note the update you will find in my menopause relief post. I had to upgrade the estrogen products I was using. Before I did so, my blood sugar crept up again, and although it was borderline, I needed to make changes. I had already eliminated so many foods, I knew I needed to add another supplement. I learned the berberine was not working for me, because it needs milk thistle added too. So in addition to my bitter melon, twice per day, I have added berberine WITH milk thistle. My blood sugar went back into the normal range again.
Here is a Walmart link for Berberine:https://goto.walmart.com/c/3255743/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dberberine
And here is a link to their milk thistle: https://goto.walmart.com/c/3255743/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dmilk%2Bthistle
Stress may have impacted my blood pressure. So my first defense was better quality quiet time with the Lord. I worked on giving him more of my cares. Again, I can only tell you what worked for me. My blood pressure was not as high as some people’s, and they must work with their doctor. Every day I add ¼ teaspoon of potassium carbonate in 1 cup of water. Here are two choices for potassium carbonate links. The links look weird, but I tested them and they do take you to their site where the product is available. I chose a page with many product choices so you can buy the smallest size or a bigger one if you like at Ebay:
I read that people need more potassium in their diet and if the levels are low, blood pressure may rise. I have had my potassium levels tested in the years since I added this to my daily diet, and the potassium levels have always been normal, so this is amount has not caused a potassium overdose.
I also found a wonderful solution for my blood pressure that I truly enjoy drinking. I added organic hibiscus tea, two times each day. You can buy it in bulk (loose flower) from Herbspro here:
Organic Hibiscus Flower Cut and Sifted 16 Oz by Frontier
Or if you prefer tea bags, here is the link:
Hibiscus Embrace Holistic Tea 16 Bags by Numi Tea

I really like this tea, so it is a joy to add it to my day. In fact, I make a super tea in the morning, and here is my recipe: 1-2 tea bags of organic green tea, link here:
Green Tea Kombucha 16 bags by Yogi
or if you prefer a big box of green tea, link here:
Organic Green Tea 100 Bags by Uncle Lees Teas
Put it in a stainless (not aluminum) tea strainer
this link is to Ebay tea strainers so you can choose which you want:
Here is a Walmart link to tea strainers too: https://goto.walmart.com/c/3255743/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dtea%2Bstrainer
Add ½ to 1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger. Then add ½ – 1 teaspoon vitamin C powder (once the tea is not boiling). Here are 2 links for the powder in 8 oz.:
Vitamin C Powder 8 Oz by Thompson
Never use “Buffered” vitamin C or sodium-ascorbic acid, because it is salty tasting. You can use this medicinally, but never put it in tea (I bought the wrong kind once and the tea was terrible).
Finally add stevia according to taste. The link is here for liquid stevia:
SweetLeaf SteviaClear ORIGINAL 4 OZ by Wisdom Natural
this stevia is spoonable:
Organic Spoonable Stevia Pouch 8 Oz by Stevita
this kind has packages of stevia:
Raw Stevia 100 Count by Stevia
I am crazy about this tea and sip it slowly in the morning and really savor it.
In the afternoon, I make the hibiscus tea with ½ teaspoon grated ginger, and less stevia, and once it cools, I add a splash of unsweetened coconut milk. Here is a link for coconut milk on ebay it is here:
and here is a link to the coconut milk at Walmart: https://goto.walmart.com/c/3255743/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dcoconut%2Bmilk
I just had my blood pressure tested this June 2022 and it was normal (the top number was 24 points lower than it was on my worst testing before I made these changes).
Work with your specialist. At the least, she may say you can add the hibiscus tea and see how your body reacts. With all new foods, begin with very little, in case you have an allergy. Although hibiscus allergy is rare, I have met a woman who has this allergy and cannot even have hibiscus flowers in her house in a vase.
I never developed a stroke, but my maternal grandma, mom and younger sister have all had blood clots, and my dad had heart attacks (eventually died of a heart attack). So when Cynthia discovered my fibrinogen levels were elevated she suggested Nattokinase. The link is here:
NattoZyme 300 veggie caps by Nutricology/ Allergy Research Group
I began with this supplement (taken in the morning and evening on an empty stomach, at least 1 hour before eating in the a.m., and at least 2 hours after eating in p.m.)
Over time I switched to lumbrokinase, because I needed something stronger. The link for lumbrokinase is here:
Lumbrokinase 60 VCaps by Doctors Best
This next lumbrokinase option (link) has dextrose, so I do not use it, but it is less expensive (Absonutrix):
And if you prefer Walmart, here is a link to the lumbrokinase too: https://goto.walmart.com/c/3255743/565706/9383?veh=aff&sourceid=imp_000011112222333344&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.walmart.com%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Dlumbrokinase
I had my fibrinogen levels tested a year later and they had returned to normal.
Again, work with your specialist. But please have your blood levels tested. Have tests on these blood qualities: fasting glucose (sugar) levels (test yearly), fibrinogen (test at least once every two years), and blood pressure (test at least yearly). All three of these blood problems can start out silently (painlessly), but they become dangerous if they get bad enough that you suffer a stroke, diabetes (and a related disorder from this), heart attack and any other disease.
I thoroughly believe in blood testing. Usually your insurance will pay when your specialist orders these tests. Never be afraid of having a reliable specialist order a blood test (or urine test, stool test or a test of any other non-invasive bodily fluid). It is true that the blood (and other) tests may show a problem, but borrowing a cliché, “A stitch in time saves nine,” meaning you can catch a problem when it is small and find a solution before something truly bad happens.
Pray and seek a reliable health care provider. Word of mouth referrals are great (this is how I found Cynthia). If your insurance changes, do online reviews of the potential doctors in your list. I have found great doctors when my insurance changed. Once I went to a dentist who was poorly rated by most of his patients. I did not believe the bad reviews. Oh, how I regretted that foolish choice. A good doctor may have one or two bad ratings from dozens of patients. But if the ratings are mostly good, give the specialist (or doctor) a chance. But always pray about your medical appointments and listen to your body.
This may sound like very old fashioned “grandmotherly” advice to “listen to your body.” Before doctors were readily available, people in the wild west had to pay attention to their bodies to understand how they were hurting and what they needed. One hundred years ago a pregnant woman night have craved lemons and extra meat. If she had been tested, the results would have shown she was low in vitamin C and iron. Without a doctor, this pioneer lady listened to her body and ate more of the foods she needed and she “fixed herself.” We have great doctors and great blood tests available today, but some doctors are still unaware of what we need. Perhaps they do not order the right tests. Be honest and thorough and let them know what you are feeling and your symptoms. Also consider your family history (ancestors and what hurt them or killed them). Pay attention to your pain and anything weird in your body. Talk to other women. I credit other women with helping me find out why I was having miscarriages (and I now have healthy twins I birthed). We women can help each other, and kind men can also give great ideas about health.
Invite God into your health care plan, and please don’t be afraid of the blood tests. I found answers for my three problems with blood factors (sugar, clotting and pressure), and God can guide you too. I may not have given you all your answers, but I pray I have encouraged you in this journey to find the solution for your own body. God has such good plans for your life!
In the love of Christ, from Debbie the Bee and Lindsey and Amy (who are so grateful their mom is still healthy).