Take Every thought Captive:

Insidious deceptions of Satan

When we read “We take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ,” (2Cor.2:5), we assume we will recognize Satan’s blatant contradictions of Scripture. I wrote about this in my posts “So Many Negative Thoughts Planted by Satan” as well as “Yes, You Can Win the Spiritual Battle if You Admit it is Real!”   and “Not Finding Peace or Relentless Demonic Attacks?”  I thought I had addressed these issues well with those posts.  I thought I would not need to write about this spiritual warfare (in our minds) again. I was wrong.  I am beginning to wonder if these subtle lies of Satan will never stop plaguing even the strongest of Christians, as I learn other strong believers also get pulled down by various aspects of the attack on the mind.  I never realized how many ways Satan can get into a woman’s head and tell her lies that sound so true.

As I said in one of those posts above, I experienced one of the attacks in the form of unwarranted worry that I was harboring some unknown and unconfessed sin. I believed this was why I was experiencing so much trouble.  Eventually I realized I did not have any hidden, unconfessed sins.  The trouble was likely a great joy for Satan to throw at me, but none of it came due to anything I was doing or not doing.  I rebuked the lie in Jesus’ name and again rested in his love, even during the hard times.  The peace was amazing, and of course I did confess any sins I committed during that time. When I did sin, God was so gracious in showing me. He is not an unkind God who does not answer our prayers to reveal our hidden sins when we truly ask him.

Last month, a friend from church was talking to me, and I recognized a demonic lie Satan had planted in her mind.  This woman is a wise and strong Christian.  She sensed she was experiencing some kind of attack, because she could not think as clearly as normal and sensed it was more than the brain fog that comes from fatigue.

Grayish blue sky with pinkish orange clouds and moon partially obscured by clouds
Near the bottom right, the moon is obscured by clouds. Satan’s demonic clouds obscured my friend’s clear thinking.

When she told me what she was thinking during that time, I knew Satan had planted a lie.  She believed her life had no significance, and thus she was not making any impact on her world. Yet she has been ministering to her husband who has only been a believer a short time and is still so confused, he does not attend church.  Because both of her sons were raised (well into adulthood) with an unbelieving Dad, they are unbelievers.  She also has an unbelieving granddaughter.  She invests in her sons’ lives and her granddaughter’s too.  She gently shares the Gospel while also loving them and socializing with them.

I told her Satan had lied to her, because she is hugely important to God’s kingdom. She has the strongest influence (in regard to the bond of family love) in the lives of three unbelievers and in the life of her confused husband who has been blinded by Satan into thinking he does not need to attend a church.  She is essential to God’s kingdom, and she is fighting intense warfare against Satan. These four, precious souls are in bondage, and she has been fighting for their release.

Suddenly she saw several connections. The “brain fog” was one of Satan’s attacks against her ability to think clearly and in the power of the Holy Spirit. In this place of confusion, Satan slipped in this lie about her alleged insignificance.  She did not realize how valuable she was and is.

I prayed with her and reminded her that in both the book of Zechariah 3:2 (“and the Lord said to Satan, ‘The Lord rebuke you Satan.’”) and Jude (verse 9, “The Lord rebuke you,”) we are instructed to say, “the Lord rebuke you,” to Satan (don’t address him directly) and then we forbid him to have power over our minds and the minds of our loved ones.  We cannot demand our love ones turn to God and accept him; we cannot force salvation on them, due to their free will.   But we can demand (through Jesus’ name) Satan release the control of these unbelievers’ minds. Satan can no longer blind them from the Gospel.  Satan has to stop blocking them from truly hearing the good news of Jesus. Their hard hearts might currently reject this good news. But we can and must command Satan to depart from blocking their ability to hear that good news.

Remember, from the parable of the Sower, the birds of the air (representing Satan’s minions) steal the seed (God’s word of salvation) before it can bear fruit (Matt.13:4 and verse 19.)  We pray against that power.   And while we cannot force unbelievers to soften their hearts after Satan’s blinders are removed from their minds, we can pray God would soften the rocky soil of their hearts (Matt.13:5 and verses 20-12.)

I prayed and rebuked Satan’s hold on my friend’s own mind and then on her husband’s, sons’ and granddaughters’.  I spoke God’s truth to her, encouraging her to see how vital she is to God’s kingdom.  And I promised to pray for her, her husband and family.  I am still praying for them daily.  I urged her to pray this prayer of rebuke of Satan on their minds often, and for her own mind too.

So I want to address the two lies that confused my wise friend. Satan stopped her from remembering her position in Christ.  As his ambassador (2Cor.5:20) she has authority to bind Satan (via Jesus’ name and blood) off the minds of those she loves.  Second, she is fighting an essential battle and is a very important person in the most essential area of life.  No rich mogul, no world ruler, no popular media personality is more important. In fact, many of them are rebelling against God’s gifting of them which he intended to glorify Him. Instead they use their gifts for their own vain glory. Many of the world’s “glamorous and powerful” people are currently unessential in God’s kingdom because of their rebellion against their calling to fight for God (Matt.20:16, “So the last shall be first and the first shall be last.  Many are called, but few are chosen.”)

My friend loves God and serves him. She fights for God’s kingdom. She is essential to God’s kingdom and very powerful there.

As such, I must urge every gal who reads my blog to know that your faith and fervent prayers (for salvation of unbelievers and for the growth and well being of believers) and your faithful witness of the Gospel, are the most important work in the entire world.  Your faith is more powerful than the world’s strongest leader. Your riches in heaven exceed even the world’s richest man or woman’s.  Your significance to God rivals the most popular media celebrity. Your life is vitally important to God’s Kingdom and to those you love, believers and unbelievers.

Yes our world foolishly runs after the “fool’s gold,” of this carnal world.  But you have found the gold of heaven, the love of Christ.  As Jesus told Mary, sister of Lazarus and Martha, “One thing is needed. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her,” (Luke10:42.)  Your genuine faith is forever. Your power is great through Christ, and your worth is huge, due to his love for you.

If Satan ever causes you to question any of these truths I’ve written about, rebuke those lies in Jesus’ name.  Look up the Bible verses I shared here and any others God directs you to read.  Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Finally reach out to a Christian sister and explain what you are going through and ask her for guidance and prayer.  Let her commit to pray for you, daily.  Don’t face these attacks alone. Keep going to church.  “Not forsaking the fellowship of the saints,” (Heb.10:25.) 

Another one of Satan’s lies is that we don’t need other Christians. My friend said she almost did not go to the women’s Bible study that Saturday morning when we spoke.  But afterwards, she was glad she came, so we could talk and pray.  We desperately need other believers.  Satan uses harsh people to attack us when we are weary and separate from the rest of God’s family, just like the Amalekites did in Deut.25:17, “Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egypt. When you were weary and worn out, they met you on your journey and attacked all who were lagging behind.”  Satan looks for “lone Christians” and attacks them.  Eccles.4:12 says, “And though one may be overpowered, two can resist.  Moreover a cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  Over and over the Scripture admonishes us to not fight this battle alone.

I pray I have blessed you with this post. If you have any questions or want me to write other posts like it, please let me know.  I pray for my writing, daily, that God would enable me to bless my readers with HIS shalom (peace and well being), hesed (loyal love), and agape (unconditional love.)  We three gals love you!