Why and How Deceivers Shame Us

Why do some people purposely shame us but do so secretly?  I discussed those people last week in my post “Harm of Hidden Shame,” so be sure to read it.  While some people accidentally shame us, others do so with malicious intent.  Let’s look at the many facets of why and how these people deceive … Read more Why and How Deceivers Shame Us

Harms of Hidden Shame

When we do not realize we are being shamed, we cannot heal.  We must recognize when someone is shaming us and reject the lie of their shame.  But do we understand the difference between guilt and shame?  I discussed that difference in my last post “God’s Generosity with Our Talents” God convicts us of sins … Read more Harms of Hidden Shame

God’s Generosity with Our Talents

Why is God so good to us, so generous in giving us talents?  I wrote last week about differing levels of talents, in my blog “2 Talents vs. 5 Talents.” If you missed it, be sure to read it.  This week I wanted to talk about God’s generosity in giving us those talents, but also … Read more God’s Generosity with Our Talents