Shortest workout, Targets Abdomen, Arms and Legs at the Same Time

A year ago I promised to share my no-gym work-outs, and I’ve gotten too busy—so today I’ll share part of one of my work outs.  This work-out targets my abdomen, arms and thighs all at the same time.  I’m sharing this one, because in a few minutes you can tone those parts quickly and save … Read more Shortest workout, Targets Abdomen, Arms and Legs at the Same Time

Why Should Christians fast?

“Does anyone need to fast?” some Christians wonder.  They know some people should not do a completely food-free fast, such as young children, pregnant and lactating women.  Some people have either hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or diabetes (high blood sugar), and they need to be careful and work with a doctor before fasting from all … Read more Why Should Christians fast?