Welcome to Three Blessed Gals

single red rose

Welcome to our blog.  We are three, truly blessed gals, ranging in age from me (a middle aged mom) to my playful teen daughters, Amy and Lindsey.  All three of us have worked on this blog (though I am the main writer, and Amy and Lindsey took the flower pictures.)  I am Debbie the Bee.  I say that, because my full name, Deborah, means “the bee” in the Hebrew Language.

We are excited to invite you into our gentle world of fun, hope, and grace.   We hope you will laugh often, feel challenged in the best way and come away knowing how wonderful YOU are. And if you feel unloved or unworthy of love, please let us love you. I want hurting gals to read our stories, and see how much we value you. It is hard to admit to my flaws, because some people will insult me for admitting to them. Being vulnerable opens me to attacks and hate. But even Jesus (who was perfect) wept at the tomb of his friend, and his enemies questioned him for that. But when you see how flawed I am, you can know this is not a super woman who offers you love and acceptance. This is a fellow-suffering gal! Use the “find blog posts here” link to read all of my stories. The most recent ones show up first, but take your time to check them out.

You can also check out my “possible web outline” to get an idea of future blogs I’ll write. I will continue to update this site, even that outline. I want to share as many stories as I can, and to listen to comments from my readers about topics they would like to see. I pray this will become a community safe space for all gals, of all walks of life, to come and read, maybe laugh, cry at times, but always find hope and acceptance.

You see, you are truly welcome here and wanted.  I know what it means to grieve and feel different, and I know how to forgive and show others they can find hope too.  I was a special ed teacher, and I understood how my students felt bullied for being different.  I picked this career, because I grew up as the weird girl (too shy, too skinny with no athletic success on the playing field) and bullied in school.  I never saw my students as “you can’t” people, but as “You can” people, and they learned to believe this themselves.  I also picked teaching, because I love people, especially children, and love to see them finding joy as they learn.

We believe you will feel better about yourself too, after we share our stories with you and encourage you to see your own stories in light of the joy we hope to inspire in you.  Even our mistakes might inspire you, because we have learned to laugh at them and pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off.

For example, we don’t always have complete success being happy!  I have seen both disapproving stares from folks at the grocery store, because we laughed and played and raced down empty aisles, and I have seen people smile for the same things we did (laugh and play in a grocery store).  We never run unless we keep a safe distance from other people.   Not every one is happy when we are happy.  I am glad to say we mostly get smiles and praise from people who are glad we made them laugh.

So join us!  You won’t get any criticism here for being you, and we don’t mind if you laugh at our antics and silly mistakes.  Like children dancing in the rain, we can still smile and find our way through life’s messes. l

light purple flower
Chicory blossom from our garden

17 thoughts on “Welcome to Three Blessed Gals”

  1. Such a beautiful website but more so Debbie you’re such a beautiful person. Thank you for sharing your story with me and my friend Sandy this morning. You’re an inspiration. God bless you and your family.
    With Love,
    Sulia 🤗

    • Sulia, ever since I came home today from our Women’s Bible Study, I have been smiling. I want to thank you, too for your encouragement. God is using you, mightily to bless your family. Our walk of faith, in Christ, is so hard, but so worthwhile. Thank you!
      With Love, Debbie

  2. Hello my loved one! I wish to say that this post is amazing, nice written and come with approximately all important
    infos. I’d like to peer more posts like this .

  3. Dear Debbie and Gals…….This is a lovely message for a Fall Moment when the world seems pressing in from all sides. Thank you, Debbie, for the wisdom of your heart. The Light of Christ is shining through every word. I see from your Bible Study Partners you are Highly regarded. You are Blessed to be a blessing to many.
    Much Love, Dianne

  4. Debbie and Gals……
    Awe! Such a lovely word to remind us we are always loved by God.
    Your mention of high school took me back to those days when
    i grew like a weed. I kept getting taller and thinner. I towered over
    all the boys, well, most of them. Yes, I felt awkward and continued
    into college feeling like I didn’t fit in anywhere until I found my tribe.
    I now know where I belong….with ladies like you three. It took a while,
    but God never gave up on me.
    Blessings and Gratitude,

  5. Debbie a note on fasting. I have done intermittent fasting since 2006. It has helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle releasing unwanted choices. I now fast every Friday along with my National Day of Prayer Partners to bring to the Lord all the prayers of the week we have been sending to the bowls of heaven. Fridays, we take communion and place our focus on the Education Mountain of influence, covering prayers of children, teachers, and school issues, which, as you know, is dreadful what is happening to our children. They are being shown things they should never see. I fasted this week for special needs children who often suffer so much because of their situation. It really burdens me. Fasting is a learned discipline. Love to you, Debbie and the Gals….They are blessed to have you as a teacher. Dianne

    • Dear Dianna, I love the fact you fast too, and do so especially to pray for others, especially the children in these confused public schools. I love the IFA group, and also love the way you have joined with the Nat’l Day of Prayer Partners. We Christians need to be on our knees for our world. Truly there is so much God can do when we are submitted to his will. Love, Debbie (thanks for saying my girls are blessed to have me as their teacher)

    • Frank, If you look at my post “No Such Thing as Toxic Masculinity,” I discuss Biblical gender roles and the beautiful way Jesus shows that true masculinity is good, protective, honorable. Thanks for asking.

    • Keep reading my blog, because I definitely speak about the value of older women in the Christian faith. We are essential! So, welcome to my blog, and I pray that as you read my posts, you will see the answers to this question.


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